🐾Organisms of interest, past & present
- Acrocanthosaurus []
- Ammonites []
- Ampullae of Lorenzini
- Anglerfish
- Anomalocaris
- Antarctic krill
- Archispirostreptus gigas
- Arctic lamprey []🐾
- Artemia salina
- Arthropleura
- Asian carp in North America []
- Atolla jellyfish
- aye-aye []🐾
- banded piglet squid
- Barreleye
- Basilosaurus 🐾
- Bathypterois
- Bigfin squids [Mexico]
- Black-footed cat🐾
- Black scabbardfish.
- Bluntnose sixgill shark
- California scrub jay
- Cameroceras
- Cane toad
- Chondrocladia lyra
- Chronic wasting disease (CWD)
- Coelacanth
- Coelacanthiformes
- Colobonema
- Colorado elk
- Colossal squid
- Comb jellies
- Crinoids
- Crocodile icefishes
- crow named 007
- Dogor [siberia]
- Fainting goat [USA]🐾
- Ferghana horse [China]
- Flying fish []
- Galapagos Giant Tortoise
- Giant squid
- Glass octopus
- Goblin shark
- gold-and-white marmoset
- Goliath bird-eating spider []
- Guizhouichthyosaurus []🐾
- Hagfish
- Hallucinogenic fish []🐾
- Helicoprion []
- Helmet jellyfish
- Humpback whale
- Humboldt squid
- Hvaldimir [Norway]
- Hydrarchos 🐾
- Indo-Pacific finless porpoise
- Ipnops.
- Japanese spider crab
- Jesus Moose
- Kanzi the bonobo [USA]🐾
- Koko the gorilla [USA]🐾
- Komodo dragon [Indonesia]
- Kondakovia longimana
- Leafcutter ants []🐾
- Livyatan 🐾
- Lyrebirds [Australia]
- Malacosteus
- Mantis shrimp
- Megalodon []👾
- Megapiranha []
- Moa
- Mosasaurus [France]🐾
- New Caledonian crow
- Oilbird [South America]
- Omsin [Thailand]
- Oscar [USA]
- Osedax.
- Otodontidae
- Pacu [South America]
- Panthera spelaea
- Patagonian toothfish
- Pelican eel
- Père David's deer
- Phronima
- Placodermi []
- Plesiosauria []
- Psittacosaurus []
- Pyrosomes []
- Riftia pachyptila.
- Saber-toothed cat []🐾
- Sasha (Woolly Rhino)
- Scaly-foot gastropod []
- Sea angels []🐾
- Sea pen
- Sea spiders
- Shrews
- Siphonophores
- Somniosus
- Springtails
- Stomiidae
- strawberry squid
- Stygiomedusa
- Stylephorus
- Sunda slow loris🐾
- Tapirus
- Tarsier 🐾
- Telescopefish
- Thorny devil [Australia]
- Tibetan macaque
- Titanoboa
- Tomopteris.
- toque macaque [Sri Lanka]
- Trilobite []
- Tufted capuchin []
- Tullimonstrum [USA]
- Umbrella octopus
- Water deer
- white moose [Sweden]
- Yeti crab
- Yuka [Russia]
- Zoraptera [Tibet]🐾
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